Current Local Time & Date, Time Zone and Time Difference Olecko, PolandOleckoPoland

What time is it?

Current local time inOlecko Poland

What day is it in Olecko right now?

Saturday (September 21, 2024)

Central European Summer TimeCEST

Time Zone


Universal Time Coordinated GMT / UTC


Daylight Saving Time CEST: Central European Summer Time

Currently in use

Standard Time CET: Central European Time


Latest clock change
to Daylight Saving Time

Time Change in Olecko to Daylight Saving Time from 2:00 am to 3:00 am

Sunday, March 31, 2024

1 hour forward

from 2:00 am to 3:00 am

Next time change
to Standard Time

Time Change in Olecko to Standard Time from 3:00 am to 2:00 am

Sunday, October 27, 2024

1 hour back

from 3:00 am to 2:00 am

Time Zone Calculator

Time Zone Converter (Time Difference Calculator)

Compare the local time of two timezones, countries or cities of the world.


Time Difference to major World Cities

Los Angeles -9 hours
Mexico City -8 hours
New York -6 hours
São Paulo -5 hours
London -1 hour
Berlin, Frankfurt, Paris, Madrid, Rome No time difference
Mumbai +3:30 hours
Hong Kong +6 hours
Tokyo +7 hours
Sydney +8 hours

The sun in Olecko
Today, September 21, 2024

Sunrise Olecko


6:14 am

Local time
Sunset Olecko


6:30 pm

Local time

City information

Alternative names

  • Alecka
  • Alėcka
  • Marggrabowa
  • Margrabowa
  • Olec'ko
  • Olecko
  • Oletzko
  • Treuburg
  • Uolecko
  • ao lai ci ke
  • Олецко
  • Олецько
  • 奧萊茨科


Olecko is a city in Poland.

Time Zone

The name of the time zone is Europe/Warsaw.


15,923 People

Major cities in the vicinity of Olecko (Powiat olecki, Warmia-Masuria)

Hrodna ... 113 km
Białystok ... 113 km
Kaunas ... 148 km
Kaliningrad ... 177 km
Warsaw ... 232 km
Brest ... 233 km
Vilnius ... 234 km
Lublin ... 307 km
Gdańsk ... 311 km
Riga ... 345 km
Łódź ... 348 km
Bydgoszcz ... 374 km
Minsk ... 406 km
Lviv ... 478 km
Poznań ... 481 km
Kraków ... 483 km
Katowice ... 500 km
Wrocław ... 544 km
Ostrava ... 573 km
Tallinn ... 621 km
Khmelnytskyi ... 622 km
Mahilyow ... 628 km
Vitebsk ... 629 km
Szczecin ... 640 km
Zhytomyr ... 645 km
Stockholm ... 683 km
Chernivtsi ... 689 km
Homyel' ... 700 km
Espoo ... 701 km
Helsinki ... 703 km

Poland Poland: Neighbouring Countries